About The JMay

I'm a 20-something gal who still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up.

10 Things You May (or May Not!) Want to Know About the JMay:

  1.  I can recite almost every line from my favourite movie, Forrest Gump, complete with an Alabama accent.
  2. I'm a former military brat.
  3. I grew up in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia (and yes, I did know Sidney Crosby...when we were very young).
  4. I have an unhealthy fear of water, and anything that comes out of the water. 
  5. I don't eat fish, seafood or seaweed and will not eat anything that has touched any of these things.
  6. I can't swim (do we see a trend here?). 
  7. After my 2nd year of university in 2005, I broke up with my high school boyfriend and travelled to Finland to party and 'find myself'. I regret not one minute of it.
  8. I am a true cat lady not in the sense that I have multiple cats, but in that I often talk to my black long-haired, Poika.
  9. In high school I wanted to be an Air Force fighter jet pilot. 
  10. My favourite music artists include Janis Joplin, Jay-Z, The Streets and Fleetwood Mac.