
Daylight Savings

I can't explain how excited I am that when I leave the office at night, it's still light out...I can't even see a window from where my cubicle if on my floor so the only sun I get in the day is the 20 minutes it takes me to get to work in the morning, and whatever light is left at the end of the day.

I'm experimenting with my camera. I took a (very) beginner photography class last night at Tripp Photography and learned a lot about the basics of my Nikon. But we really were only able to skim the surface...I'm thinking of looking into more advanced courses once my spending ban is over.

In outfit-related news, I snagged myself this skinny hot pink Gap belt for $6! A couple of girls were coveting this belt on their blogs and I loved it so I was pretty pleased to get it so cheap! You might say I was tickled pink! Ha!

Also, my hair is a disaster in these photos. Please ignore it.

Cap-Sleeved T-Shirt: Jacob
Grey Pencil Skirt: Jacob
Pink Skinny Belt: Gap
Faux-Croc Flats: Roberto Vianni

This is Poika's favourite corner to hide in. He wasn't happy I intruded to take photos.

I'm very excited for tomorrow's post! It's a bit of a surprise, so please come back and check it out!

And in the meantime, here's an evil photo of Poika to hold you over:

He's plotting his revenge against me. I can tell.

xo J.


  1. lol. Your cat totally looks evil in that picture! It's pretty awesome.

    I love your pink belt - great find and it goes perfectly with this outfit. Very nice!

  2. I have a black cat too - black cats lovers unite! ;)


  3. What a pretty outfit! I love the pop of color with the red belt.

    That cat is GORGEOUS.



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